The exhibition sheds light onto the peculiar personality of the Rollbuch; – its unique character between timelessness, sensuality and its supposed conceptual design confronting “digital” habits of perception.

Books in Motion / einBuch.haus

The exhibition sheds light onto the peculiar personality of the Rollbuch; – its unique character between timelessness, sensuality and its supposed conceptual design confronting “digital” habits of perception. The impact of the Rollbuch as a medium is as manifold as the book’s mechanism is simple; it is all about its inherent dynamics, the motion of the content itself, and the “pageless” continuity of its storyline. The dial empowers the viewer to control the pace of the narrative; with just a very slight movement of the hand they may accelerate, slow down, halt or even invert the flow of the story. This aspect of control contrasts with the inability to skip over, since the entire storyline is printed onto one single and seemingly endless page. That means, the viewer’s attention is forced onto the present sequence, whereas the past needs to be remembered, and the future foreseen. 

Often, viewers/readers experience a certain meditative effect; the medium seems to softly force them into contemplation and towards themselves, rather than their attention being dispersed, as often happens when interacting with digital information channels. Beyond that, the Rollbuch keeps revealing surprising aspects of both storytelling and perception, a process that is nourished by each of the artists who contributes their particular understanding of it.

In conclusion, we may say that the Rollbuch (seemingly by its own choice) has turned out an artistic endeavour rather than “a product”, and keeps gaining momentum as a particle of current “analog culture”, – all of which we invite you to investigate in the current exhibition at einBuch.haus. 


Giovanni Possenti - Tanya Traboulsi - Jana Frank

In November 2017, our three new "Rollbuch" editions will be presented in the gallery CLB. Tanya Traboulsi presents her 11 meters long edition titled "I'll write to you later", which shows 45 photographs that were taken while traveling between Austria and Lebanon. Giovanni Possenti exhibits a full-length illustration titled "Aesop and other stories". Jana Frank will show a graphic novel called "Of Hero and Leander" in a vertical Rollbuch format previously published piece by piece in her blog. Furthermore there will be a live drawing performance with illustrator Tara Deacon, in which she will draw on a 11 meters long paper.


In May 2013, a three-day Rollbuch workshop was held at the "PROJEKTOR kultureller Raum | teiler" in Hamburg. Ten illustrators were each challenged by ten meters of blank paper. The participants were provided with drawing materials, and enjoyed a unique location and setting. It was interesting to see the different approaches to the seemingly "endless" length of the format. After the workshop, the banners as such were exhibited, and the public voted for the ideas and executions that best reflected the involvement with the medium. Because of its joyful and inspiring atmosphere, more Rollbuch workshops shall take place in the future, currently being planned for Berlin and Bern/Switzerland.


L'Attente, the personalized queue, has just been installed into its Rollbuch box, the paper still makes resistance to its winding. The original boards of wood-pulp, where the colouration got its final touch, is shown right next to the finished Rollbuch – note the thinking bubbles that are worked into the box – a congenial refinement that Yannik himself had come up with.


An insight into "the possibly longest children's book on earth", as it evolved during the course of three years in Florian's studio. Brilliant colours, speedy scrolling and excitement from the first to the last metre... reportedly have kept children away from their parents' tablets (for half an hour).


The bookbindery in Altona – right from the beginning one of the greatest supporters of the Rollbuch. For many long nights it held its doors wide open for us, shared its expertise and network with us, so as to facilitate, or even make our visions possible. As such, it was the logical venue for the first inofficial presentation of our product in march 2012. At the same time, original xylographs from the fable "Des Marders Flügel" were shown. The audience was small but very interested, and partially critical in a constructive way. 


Galerie Leiss is known for its start-up aid for many young artists in the field of jewellery and design. We were glad to show some of our books there during the christmas-exhibition in 2014; – Hilde Leiss chose some small poetry roll books, which almost could have been worn as jewellery.